By the Power of Plone - Case Carousel at University of Jyväskylä Revisited

Rikupekka Oksanen

Rikupekka Oksanen

Length: Short Talk

Target Level: Beginner

Target Audience: User, Integrator, Designer

In Ploneconf 2015 I gave this talk

I was showcasing through various projects the different usage and benefits of Plone at our university. This year I could revisit few of those, and come up with a bunch of other projects where Plone is used successfully. I wouldn't go into too much technical details, but more like highlight the core aspects of Plone through different cases: Flexible permission management, overall robustness, content management usability, possibility to integrate to other systems, some TTW-tricks where you don't need programming skills, workflows, content rules etc.

When: From 12/10/20 4:50 PM to 12/10/20 5:20 PM CET — Download iCal