Grace under fire: responding to a pandemic

Paul Roeland

Paul Roeland

Length: Short Talk

Target Level: Beginner

Target Audience: Designer, Integrator, User

Clean Clothes Campaign is a non-profit dedicated to fight for garment workers rights. As the pandemic struck, the garment supply chains were particularly hard hit. As heavy Plone users (in all its various incarnations, from Quaive to Castle to Volto) we had to deal with a rapidly changing environment. Four times more users, many of whom not very tech-savvy and relying on mobile phones as their sole computer device on our intranet. And a massive increase in both use and visitors to our public websites. Plus an increase in part-time editors, from many countries and with a wide range of skills, but mostly novices. This talk will take a user-centered view: what worked, what problems came up, how did onboarding go, how did the new editors find their way around? Can we find pointers here on long-standing issues like "folderish" vs "non-folderish" ?

When: From 12/10/20 4:50 PM to 12/10/20 5:20 PM CET — Download iCal