Pyruvate, a reasonably fast, non-blocking, multithreaded WSGI server

Pyruvate is a non-blocking, multithreaded WSGI server with competitive performance, implemented in Rust.
It features non-blocking read/write based on mio (, a rust-cpython ( based Python interface and a worker pool based on threadpool (
The sendfile system call is used for efficient file transfer.
Pyruvate integrates with the Python logging API using asynchronous logging.
PasteDeploy configuration and systemd socket activation are supported.
Beta releases are available for CPython (>=3.6) and Linux.
The talk will present the current state of the project and show how to use Pyruvate with Zope/Plone and other Python web frameworks.
Another focus will be on the roadmap towards a 1.0 release scheduled for end of this year.