The Plone is dead, long live the Plone!

Alexander Loechel

Alexander Loechel

Length: Long Talk

Target Level: Beginner

Target Audience: Designer, Developer, Integrator, User

A talk about the essence of Plone. What does Plone mean for somebody?

Plone is an awesome combination of vision, software and community. But what defines Plone, what is the essence, and how does it change over time.

At the Plone Conference 2019 I has the feeling of realizing why we sometimes speak of very different things and why the Plone of today is not the Plone we know from the years.

This talks wants to summerize this feeling of realizing, explain why we may have a problem of misconception. It is a mix of technological questions, the overall vision, branding and community topics in depth.

When: From 12/7/20 4:50 PM to 12/7/20 5:35 PM CET — Download iCal