WTA and Plone After 13 Years

Jesse Snyder Sally Kleinfeldt

Jesse Snyder, Sally Kleinfeldt

Length: Short Talk

Target Level: Beginner

Target Audience: Developer, Integrator, User

Serving hikers in Washington state, the Washington Trails Association protects hiking trails and wild lands and provides members and the general public with extensive hiking information. A Plone site since 2007, wta.org has extensive custom features, 240,000 members, and an enormous amount of content. We will take a tour of some of the most interesting features of the site, including the Salesforce and Mapbox integrations, iPhone and Android apps driven by a custom API, a process to crowd source corrections to hike descriptions, and a culture that has allowed WTA to leverage the expertise of volunteers to implement significant website features.

When: From 12/10/20 6:10 PM to 12/10/20 6:40 PM CET — Download iCal